Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A Hundred Years of Traveling...

14 hrs of plane, 3 hour layover, 1 hour plane, 1 hour bus, collapse on hotel bed. 

It was a long trip, but Japan Airlines is now officially my favorite, for the following reasons:

Would you just take a minute to examine this console, please? The screen is bigger than anything I've ever seen on United, and there's a SLOT for your phone, located directly beneath a USB charger. There's also a cute little pocket on the right for, idk, headphones or a bag of M&Ms, plus some kind of white round hook contraption on the left that's either for hanging something or winding up the excess length of your phone charger.
Exhibit 2: Check out this head rest. Naturally, many other airlines have similar headrests designed to provide neck support and drool prevention (or rather, it's not meant to prevent drool itself, but to prevent the drool from touching your neighbor when you nod off mid-flight). Those other airlines are inferior. This headrest is not only completely firm and insusceptible to the all too common problem of collapse under long periods of use, but it's ACTUALLY WHERE MY NECK IS. Now, the taller people out there are all thinking, what about me?! but hold on just a second. The neck rest is also on rails so that it slides easily up or down to suit your height. Genius. I actually slept on this flight. I mean, not a lot, but significantly more than usual.

And now the final piece. May I draw your attention to the tiny bottle of noodle sauce? My noodles were delicious. So was my fish (yes, I had FISH on an airplane). So was the strange combo of yogurt served with salmon pasta alfredo. It was all very, very, very good. Nice work, JAL.

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