Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Summer Travelblog!

Hello, my spanking new blank blog. Welcome to my world of horrifically cheesy alliteration.

So, this summer I'm doing an Educator's Tour through the Japan Society. For three weeks in July, I and 9 other teachers will travel Japan, visit shrines and temples, go to Hiroshima, check out Japanese schools, ride the Shinkansen, participate in two Japanese homestays, plus lots of other cool stuff. Excited? Just a little.

Meeting the other teachers during our three-day orientation was an adventure all in itself. We are quite a crew, encompassing all different types of schools (from public Title 1 to rural, to private boarding school) from a variety of states. You'd think we'd be solidly a history crew, but we also have representation for art, literature, and physics. I'm excited to get to know everyone and can already tell this will be a great opportunity to collaborate with other professionals bringing their wide array of experience to this place that we all have an interest in.

I'll do my best to post for every place we visit, but I imagine some of it will be after the fact, since it's a pretty packed schedule. All of us, ganbare!

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